
Bees in Stucco Wall? Discover the Solutions!

The Bees are tinny and interesting creatures in our environment and they .play a vital role in pollination and the overall health of the environment. Bees in stucco wall? In some cases, bees can be found in stucco walls! and it can create problems with stucco walls structure as well as pose a potential health risk for the people living nearby it.

So, in this article we will explore the issues of bees in stucco walls, we will understand their behaviors, and what are risks associated with the bees’ presence in the stucco wall. also, we are going to discuss the bee hive removal process without harming them. We will provide preventive measures and DIY solutions to keep bees away from the stucco walls.

Types Of Bees In Stucco Walls

bees in stucco wall

Many types of bees can be seen in the environment, among a few of them like stucco walls in their offspring time! So, let’s know the types of bees infesting the stucco walls before taking any action. and it’s very crucial to know the types of bees because the bee removal process depends on the types of bees in the stucco walls.

  1. Honeybees: Honeybees are social insects and it is known for their essential role in natural honey production and pollination. The honeybees choose stucco walls as nesting sites because the wall’s sheltered and they can hide easily in stucco. Also, honeybees find the stucco walls are perfect stable temperature areas, and they can easily get food sources, and they can protect their hive.
  2. Bumblebees: Bumblebees are another social insect and it is solitary types of bees it builds small colonies and lives with a single queen. They select stucco walls for nesting as stucco wall is a safe space and stucco wall has thermal insulation properties so that they can aids and protect themself from outside nature.
  3. Carpenter Bees: carpenter bees are solitary bees and they can cause harm to the stucco walls, as they are destructive to the wood structure. They bore into stucco walls and lay eggs and create a nest and they get attracted by the wooden elements in the stucco mix.
  4. Solitary Bees: solitary bees choose stucco walls as nesting sites due to the small holes in the stucco walls. they establish their nest for the offspring’s safety.

Why Bees Choose Stucco Walls?

it’s very interesting! why the bees are choosing stucco walls? here are the best possible reason, why bees choose stucco walls.

Thermal Regulations

Nowadays, most stucco walls provide stable temperatures for all weather conditions, as well as extreme weather conditions. These thermal properties attract the honeybees to lay eggs in the stucco walls and develop and grow the hive inside without any issues.

Durability And Stability

Stucco walls offer better stability than any other walls for the bees, they find it is stable and has better durability for their hive.! the bees choose stucco walls for making small colonies in it and growing the hive.


The bees found the stucco wall very easy to hide! the color of the stucco wall, texture of the stucco wall provides natural camouflage and it’s harder for the predators to detect and destroy the bee hive, that’s why this is another important aspect for them to choose stucco over other things.

Protection From Rain

the stucco walls have rain and water protection from the outside environment, so, they choose stucco so that they can protect their hive from rain and outside extreme weather.

Secluded Location

stucco walls offer a quiet and disturbance-free environment in residential as well as in commercial areas! and the bees like the disturbance-free area.

Accidental Nesting Sites

The bees sometimes can find the stucco walls while searching for their new nesting location.

Chemical Attraction

sometimes the mixture in the stucco mix attracts the bees! because the stucco mixture contains materials or additives.

Previous Nesting Sites

Now, in most cases, the bees may detect the scents left behind from their previous hives! and they again select the stucco walls for their new hive to build their colonies.

Potential Risks of Bees in Stucco Walls

the bees in stucco walls can pose several risks and damage, below is the important and potential risk of bees in stucco walls.

Structural Damage

bees in stucco walls can cause several issues and damage to the stucco walls. it can lead to significant structural damage to the walls because the bees create small cavities over time in the stucco walls and ultimately the bees in the stucco walls weaken the wall’s integrity and structure. As the bees grow their colonies and hive inside the stucco walls, the continuous growth of the hive inside the stucco walls can lead to more cracks in the walls. and it’s costly to repair and store the wall’s stability and aesthetics.

Health Risks

The presence of bees on the stucco walls can pose several health risks! especially for those who are having allergies. the bees can easily be distracted and disturbed by human presence and other reasons! After that bees may become more defensive and they can attack nearby people and the nearby house as well! and they can bite and sting that time. a single sting can trigger an allergic reaction and it’s very painful! in some cases, if more than 5 to 10 bees sting on a person it can be life-threatening!

Infestation Spreading

when honeybees and other bee species create and established their colonies on the stucco walls, they may release pheromones and it can attract more bees at the same location! and potentially it can lead to more hives within the stucco walls! and it will be very difficult to do bee hive removal!

Property Devaluation

as bees in stucco walls damage the walls and structure, the property value is negatively impacted! the buyers may perceive it as a potential hazard and he or she can show less interest in that property.

Legal and Liability Concerns

In some regions, property owners have a legal obligation to address bee infestations promptly. Failure to do so could result in legal consequences if someone is harmed by bee stings on the property

How To Remove Bees And Bee Hive From Stucco Walls

beehive removal from stucco wall

if you want to remove the bees and hive from the stucco wall, then you may need to go for the bee hive removal process, you can do a free bee hive romal by yourself, and if you’re not sure how to do it, then you can look for bee removal service near your location. below is the small process to remove the bees from the stucco wall.

Identify the Bee Species

before going for the bee romal, you make to identify the bee species correctly! because based on the specifies they act differently and required different approaches for bee hive removal. to identify the bee species you have to look for the bee size, the color of the bees, nesting behavior, whether it’s large or small, etc.

Wear Protective Gear

always use protective gear for bee hive removal. Prioritize safety by wearing appropriate protective clothing, including a beekeeper’s suit, gloves, and a veil. This gear helps prevent bee stings during the removal process.

Nocturnal Bee Removal

you can conduct the bee removal process at night time! because at night time the bees are less active and they’re less aggressive at night time. Bees are less likely to defend their colony aggressively during this time, making it safer for removal.

Bee Vacuum or Bee Brush

you can use a bee vacuum or a soft bee brush to gently remove the bees from the stucco walls, the vacuum collects the bees easily without harming them.

Beehive Extraction

after successfully removing the bees from the stucco wall, the next step is the beehive extraction. for this, you need to locate the hive correctly, in some cases, you may need to cut the stucco walls to get access to the beehive. if you’re not professional and don’t have any experience with these. you can search for a free beehive removal service near you. it cost very less for bee removal.

Sealing the Wall

after successful behavior extraction the next important step is sealing the wall because for the bee removal process, in most cases you need to cut the stucco walls, so it’s very important to seal the wall! otherwise, other bees can choose this wall for their nesting.

Relocation or Beekeeping

If possible, relocate the bees and the beehive to a more suitable location, such as an apiary.

Preventative Measures to Keep Bees Away From stucco Walls

if you want to keep the bees away from the stucco walls, then you have to do regular inspections and other things that I describe below. by doing these you can minimize the chances of bees in your stucco wall, and it can save you from the extra headaches of bee rescue and bee removal. so, let’s get started.

Sealing Cracks and Holes

the first thing you have to make sure there are no cracks or small cavities on the stucco wall. for this, you may need to do a weekly inspection by looking closely. then if you get any small hole, cavity, or crack on the stucco walls, you need to fix the cracks as soon as possible! because I already mention that the bees may find the small hole and they can select your stucco wall for their next nesting location and to grow the colonies inside the wall. so it is very essential to fix the stucco wall cracks immediately by sealing them. For small cavities and small holes, I recommend using this sealant to fix the cracks and holes on the stucco walls.

Sashco 15010 10.5oz Sashco Sealants Beige

bees in stucco wall

Alternative Wall Coverings

you can consider using an alternative wall covering on the stucco walls. Using an alternative wall cover on the stucco will hide small holes and crack! so the bee will not be able to find cavities and hence you can protect bees inside the stucco walls.

Bee Repellents

bees in stucco wall
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another best solution to keep the bees away from the stucco wall is using bee repellents. there are many types of bee repellents available on the market, here are a few bee repellents you can use to keep the bees away from the stucco walls.

Bee-Friendly Traps

bees in stucco wall
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you can create or use bee-friendly traps to keep the bees away. The bee-friendly traps are designed to redirect the bees away from stucco walls and other areas without causing any harm to the bees.

Bee-Wary Landscaping

lastly, you can opt for the bee repellent plants like marigolds, citronella around the stucco walls.


How can bees get in your house?

Bees can get into your house through small openings like cracks or gaps in windows, doors, or walls. also, consider other locations such as vents or chimneys

can you get bees removed for free?

in general professional bee removal services come with a cost. but you can look for free bee removal services near your or a bee exterminator.

How much is cost to remove a bee hive

cost of bee hive removal can vary depending on factors like the hive’s location, size, and the extent of the infestation. On average, professional removal may cost between $100 to $500 or more.

how to get rid of bees in the vent?

It’s essential to avoid handling this yourself if haven’t dealt with this type of issue before.

How bees are getting in my window?

Bees can access windows through openings or damaged screens. Check for any gaps, cracks, or holes

How to get rid of bee nests on the roof

Bee nests on the roof are risky and best left to professionals! Or you can give it a try with the right equipment and safety gear.

Why are lots of bees flying around my house

Bees may be attracted to food, water, or flowers nearby.

why do carpenter bees hover

Carpenter bees hover because they are searching for mates or defending their territory. This behavior is typical during their mating season

why do bumble bees hover

Bumble bees hover while foraging for food. Their hovering allows them to assess flowers and find nectar and pollen

why is the carpenter bee hovering in the same spot

Carpenter bees may hover in the same spot if they are building nests or defending their territory

Also, check stucco remediation guides

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